What type of ads will 1stMarketingTraffic not accept?

1stMarketingTraffic.com Inc. will not direct visitors to sites containing content that is not appropriate for viewing by a general audience. The following are examples (including but not limited to) of the type of sites we will not direct visitors to:

  • Sites with child pornography or sites that contain links to such content
  • Sites containing or linking to software piracy
  • Sites containing or linking to any form of illegal activity (i.e., how to build a bomb, hacking, 'phreaking', etc.)
  • Sites with gratuitous displays of violence, obscene or vulgar language, and abusive content or content which endorses or threatens physical harm
  • Sites promoting any type of hate-mongering (i.e., racial, political, ethnic, religious, gender-based, sexuality-based or personal, etc.)
  • Sites that participate in or transmit inappropriate newsgroup postings or unsolicited e-mail (spam)
  • Sites promoting any type of illegal substance or activity sites with illegal, false or deceptive investment advice and money-making opportunities
  • Sites with any type of content reasonable public consensus deem to be improper or inappropriate

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